Who We Serve

Students: LAS is committed to uphold diversity, inclusion, and representation, eliminate barriers to academic success, and remove the culture of silence and stigma associated with learning and psychological difficulties so that all students learn, achieve, and succeed.

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Whether you need a study plan and accountability for test prep or remediation, self-reflective practices, and strategies for learning challenges, LAS Educational Coaches are highly trained to help in measurable ways.

Executive Functioning Support

LAS Medical Coaches understand that every student learns in a unique way and they require executive functioning skills to do so. Executive functioning skills are mental processes such as self-regulation, planning, focus, decision-making, and memory. Because they mature over time and are dependent on many factors, LAS Medical Coaches provide differentiated learning strategies to their students and residents. Differentiated approaches help students identify their strengths, emerging skills, and potential obstacles, so they can learn how to learn effectively and achieve at the highest levels.


Case Management

LAS Coaches provide case management* to ensure communication and collaboration between students, family, faculty, and allied health professionals.

*In compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects the privacy of education records, LAS requires written consent to communicate with or receive information pertaining to its students and residents.

Clinical Social Work

At LAS, we take mental health and personal well-being, seriously. For many years there has been a culture of silence in general and medical education regarding emotional, behavioral, and mental health disturbances. Unfortunately, silence can reinforce feelings of shame, embarrassment, and loneliness, especially when a student or resident is in academic difficulty.

LAS Coaches understand that emotions and learning cannot be separated and therefore, utilize principles of clinical social work to consider multiple factors when supporting students and residents. Loren, Founder of LAS, is a licensed clinical social work and professional educational therapist. She believes that social work connects people to resources and provides support that fosters independence and responsibility for oneself and others.

Support for ERAS and NRMP Applications

Writing a personal essay is a process, and sometimes, a little intimidating. Fortunately, LAS Medical Coaches can help. LAS provides a structured approach to personal essay writing so that students and residents compose an essay that is reflective of their personal experiences and representative of their strengths and interests, for residency and fellowship.

Educational Therapy

Educational therapy is one-on-one supports for students contending with learning challenges, including learning disorders, attention deficits, performance anxiety, and related issues.

LAS offers Educational Therapy for students and residents at all levels. Different from standard tutoring, which often focuses on back-filling knowledge gaps, Educational Therapy encompasses diagnostic practices, study skills counseling, learning how to learn, comprehend, and apply new information. Educational Therapists must successfully complete graduate school training in an approved Educational Therapy Program and are professionally certified.


IEPs & 504 Plans

LAS frequently consult to students, schools, universities, medical centers, and licensing boards, about accommodations associated with instruction and test-taking. To that end, LAS Coaches are experienced at helping students at all levels, implement accommodations or advocate for them.

The federal law that requires free and appropriate education for all students in K-12 is designed to level the playing field in education. It requires public schools to provide students with access to support and accommodations if needed and is implemented through Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans. Although IEP resources conclude after Grade 12, accommodations in 504 Plans are required to continue in post-secondary education and the workplace. This means all students, including students in higher education and medical education, are entitled to 504 accommodations. While these distinctions are not crucial for every student, they are vital for some.


LAS Medical Coaches™ are trained and skilled at providing structure, support, and accountability to students, residents, and faculty in medical education. LAS Coaches provide test prep support, remediation support, learning strategies, and techniques for mitigating burnout.

Work With Us

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    Initial Consultations + Individual Education Plans

    All LAS Medical Coaching begins with an Initial Consultation. LAS describes this first meeting as similar to an H+P, without the P. In preparation for the Initial Consultation, LAS reviews pertinent documentation (e.g., transcripts, standardized testing reports, updates from student promotion committees, and if applicable, neuropsychological evaluations and accommodations). With written consent, LAS consults also consults to Deans, Program Directors, and allied health professionals, before and after this meeting.

    During the Initial Consultation, LAS Coaches help clarify personal learning goals and presenting concerns, along with previous and current academic and test-taking information. The Initial Consultation is an opportunity to understand a student’s personal narrative so as to design a realistic education plan with effective support.

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    Designing an Individual Education Plan with Measurable Goals

    Following the Initial Consultation, students receive a written report with their Individual Education Plan. Each plan includes measurable goals with daily workflow for learning and achievement, a personalized LAS Planner/Tracker™, and written instructions for testing and error analysis. Once the plan is approved, students are assigned to their LAS Medical Coach™ and begin weekly meetings.

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    LAS Medical Coaching™

    LAS Medical Coaches™ are trained and supervised in weekly Team Meetings and individual supervision. LAS assigns medical coaches based on several factors, including personal expertise, goodness of fit, and availability. LAS Medical Coaching™ begins with weekly meetings via videoconference and provides structure, support, and accountability for test preparation, remediation, clinical and course preparation.

Success Stories

LAS Medical Coaches™ provide structure, support, and accountability to medical students, residents, physician assistants, nurses, and other health professionals. Medical coaching is scheduled weekly and addresses test preparation, test remediation, study skills, clinical skills development, professionalism, and training.  LAS Medical Coaching™ begins with an initial consultation (like an H+P without the P). Clients receive a written report with an individual plan and measurable goals.

Contact LAS on the Get Started page to inquire about LAS Coaching rates.

Yes, LAS has more than thirty years of metrics with measurable outcomes for LAS Coaching services and LAS Test Prep. Contact LAS for more information.

Whether you’re contending with burnout or searching for new test preparation strategies, our highly-trained Medical Coaches are here to support you through the process.

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